FreeWheel Report Sees Huge Rise in Authenticated Viewing

The first quarter of 2014 saw a huge rise in authenticated online video viewing, says the Q1 2014 Video Monetization Report created by FreeWheel, the online video monetization company recently acquired by Comcast. The first quarter saw 436 percent year-over-year growth for authenticated ad views on long-form and live content. Moreover, 29 percent of video ad views for long-form and live content came from authenticated video. The report doesn't dwell much on the fact that the Sochi Olympics took place that quarter, and Olympic Games give viewers a powerful reason to figure out authentication. Just this week at the Streaming Media East conference, Rick Cordella, senior vice president and general manager for digital media at NBC Sports Group, noted that for Sochi, 54 percent of those who tried successfully authenticated their connection -- and that was a record high. It will be interesting to see if authenticated viewing remains as strong in FreeWheel's next quarterly report.
The report addresses some of the challenges authentication still faces, estimating that 87 percent of cable customers don't know their authentication credentials. It notes that the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) is launching an initiative to educate viewers about TV Everywhere offerings.
For more, download FreeWheel's Q1 2014 Video Monetization Report for free (registration required).
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